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Biotin: What Is It and Where Does It Come From?

Biotin, often known as vitamin B7, is a B-complex vitamin that helps to maintain healthy metabolic, neurological, digestive, and circulatory functioning. It's required for fat and carbohydrate metabolism, and it works in tandem with pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) to strengthen hair, thicken nails, and prevent split ends and hair loss.

Liver, Brewer's yeast, egg yolk, whole wheat bread, avocado, salmon, cheese, bananas, and almonds are all high in biotin. Biotin is present in most healthy people's diets in appropriate amounts. Pregnant and breastfeeding women, on the other hand, may require more biotin since their bodies break it down at a higher pace.

What Does Biotin Do for Your Hair, Skin, and Nails?

Hair B vitamins help generate amino acids that produce a kind of keratin (which makes up the majority of our hair), thus taking it in tiny amounts or eating biotin-rich meals can help keep hair healthy and strengthen it significantly.

But the real question is whether or not taking a biotin vitamin may help you grow your hair. Unfortunately, according to the findings of this study, the chances are minimal. However, when combined with zinc, silica, vitamin C, and marine protein during a three-month period, another study found results. Less shedding, thicker, stronger hair, and a faster growth rate were noted by this group.


Biotin creates fatty acids that nourish the skin and help it keep a clear complexion, similar to how it impacts the appearance of your hair. Dry and dehydrated skin can appear when the protective outer layer of skin is imbalanced. It aids in the formation of new cells and the proper functioning of oil glands, resulting in skin that is healthy. The judgment is still out on whether or not taking biotin pills alone can improve your skin's appearance.


For stronger nails, science actually agrees with this one. Biotin supplementation has been found in clinical research to strengthen weak, brittle nails. In Swiss research, people with brittle nails who took daily biotin supplements had a 25% increase in nail plate thickness.

Health Veda Organics Biotin Supplements work wonders for your hair & skin. These tablets are loaded with natural Sesbania Extract to help revive your Hair, Skin & Nails.

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